Tact & Stone

The fully sustainable men's apparel brand transforming the world, one wardrobe at a time.

About Tact & Stone

This men's fashion brand is on a mission to change more than your wardrobe. Tact & Stone uses 100% sustainable fabric for each piece of its ethichally-sourced apparel and menswear essentials.

Why We Love Them

It's one thing if clothing looks great, but is it comfortable? Is it made to last? Thankfully, Tact & Stone delivers the full trifecta, creating cool, classic styles that are great for everyday wear.

Origin Story

After reading an eye-opening article on the wastefulness and detrimental, environmental impact of the fashion industry, Landon Nash was inspired to take action. He attended sustainability conferences like the Textile Exchange Conference and became determined to build a brand that would be a leader in sustainable, ethical fashion. After teaming up with Sustainable Source Studios in LA, Nash hit the ground running to develop the sustainability program that would be the heart of Tact & Stone, as well as the brand’s ethical manufacturing process to craft the fabric and clothing. Tact & Stone continues to deliver on its promise, without compromising on durability, style, and comfort.


  • Men’s sustainable clothing brand featuring tees, shirts, bottoms, and jackets
  • Made out of 100% sustainable fabrics
  • Ethically manufactured
  • Select garments made in Downtown LA

The Science & The Soul

The Science

From carbon emmissions and landfill contributions, to wastewater generation and working conditions, the fashion industry leads the pack as one of the most wasteful and damaging in the world. Tact & Stone is fighting for a better future for our planet and everyone on it — with uncompromising dedication to quality; both of its products and of the lives of the people behind them. To achieve a highly sustainable product line, Tact & Stone only sources the lowest impact materials with the highest performance qualities, which means that this clothing is built to last. (We think it looks way better on you than in a landfill, too.) 

Tact & Stone also continually refines their process to eliminate waste. The brand's best-selling tees are made with 50% organic cotton and 50% recycled cotton — which saves an average of 415 gallons of water per shirt. Its longer, crew cut tees are made of 100% recycled fiber and save roughly 885 gallons of water.

The Soul

Tact & Stone takes its supply chain seriously and only works with factories who provide safe working conditions, treat employees fairly, and utilize environmentally-conscious practices across the manufacturing process. Some of their clothing is manufactured in Downtown Los Angeles at Mola Inc (a premium knitwear cut and sew manufacturer) while other items are made in Portugal with certified manufacturers.

In addition, whenever you're ready to retire your long-loved Tact & Stone pieces, this brand encourages you to send them back. Once you’re done wearing a garment and ready for a new one; send it back to Tact & Stone for a discount on your next purchase. From there, and they’ll upcycle it into new, top-quality gear.